Hotel - Jeppesen
To orderWelcome
- 뎃 Restaurant
- 냧 Car park
- 댃 Toilet
- 댴 Shower
- 눹 Conference hall
- 눣 Transfer
- 끤 Sauna
- 냯 Treatment procedures
- 녖 SPA
- 뀧 Laundry service
- 뀄 WiFi access
- 넕 Mini market
- 끤 Bath
- 끂 Pool
- 낕 Currency exchange office
- 덨 Barber
- 넕 Minibar
- 뀸 Air conditioning
- 댴 Shower cabin
- 넸 Bathroom
- 녒 Fridge
- 넎 TV with satellite channels
- 댃 Bathroom