Recreation center -
To orderWelcome
- 뎃 Restaurant
- 냧 Car park
- 덐 Cafe
- 댃 Toilet
- 댴 Shower
- 넊 Bowling
- 녨 Billiard
- 끤 Sauna
- 끝 Bar
- 냯 Treatment procedures
- 녖 SPA
- 뀦 Water activities
- 뀄 WiFi access
- 댑 24 security
- 끰 Playground
- 끡 Sports grounds
- 끤 Bath
- 끂 Pool
- 댴 Shower cabin
- 덶 Hair dryer
- 녒 Fridge
- 넎 TV with satellite channels
- 뀸 Air conditioning
- 댃 Bathroom
- 낑 Kapchagay
- 끂 Bathing
- 념 Fishing